Hey, I don't make the satellite data, I only view it and learn what is says. Even though we have put out co² increasingly since the start of the industrial revolution the warming has not increased exponentially, which is a very good thing. So, although I understand your fears, I think the impacts aren't as bad as some alarmists like to imagine. Which is also a good thing! Most climate scientists agree that the climate models all run hot when compared to what has actually happened so far in the satellite record. There are two main weather satellites uah, which I posted a graph from, and rss. They are run by different organizations and use different techniques to analyze and present their data. But by and large they are in agreement. Interestingly, they are cooler than historic and current surface obtained temperatures and this is attributed to the UHI effect. Even though the UHI is supposedly accounted for, it differs from satellite measurements enough that they are in need of a proper reassessment to align with reality.

I say all these things because I sense alot of fear and anger amongst many different groups of people. Fear that has no resolution is dangerous and useless. I say sieze the day and enjoy your life instead of developing an ulcer!

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I don't know what you consider exponential warming, but this kind of looks like it.

This conversation is clearly not going anywhere so I'm just going to leave it at this.

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I understand your concern with my replies. So I will say just one thing that ties into what I was saying before, those charts are based on land temperatures, and do not adequately take into account the urban heat island effect. I know that you can probably find something to refute that, so yes, best to leave this alone...

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Hmm, the provincial government just posted a MASSIVE budget surplus, but you knew that... oil revenue is also responsible for billions in transfer payments every year, but you knew that too. As far as unions are concerned, the vast majority of oil workers are not interested in unionization, they had enough of that out east. From a global warming perspective the oil company's are indeed aware of co2's impact on the atmosphere, as are all of the other oil producing companies around the world. Who wouldn't be with all of the noise the ecofanatics are making. It's one thing to agree with co2's influence on climate, it's another thing to agree on the magnitude of that effect. Satellite analysis from 1979 clearly shows that the planet is warming at a much slower rate that the alarmists would have you believe. Many are now agreeing that mitigation is the obvious answer to this small issue. Instead fanatics want the world to jump off the deap end because the sky is falling! However I do agree that we need to make sure we properly clean up the environment scars we create with our taking of resources, like we should do everywhere we exploit the planet. The rest of your rant is just NDP talking points.

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A budget surplus that is not going to helping Albertans who are facing the highest living cost in decades along with sub-par health care and a wealth gap that is the largest in the country.

Meanwhile the Albertan government pours billions into these oil industries that are currently making record profits. What good is a budget surplus when all of it will be going towards cleanup costs in the future?

Maybe oil workers should be more interested in unions considering they have lost 30,000 jobs in the last 9 years and have seen their purchasing power shrink.

The rate of warming since 1981 is 0.18 degrees per decade which puts us on pace to surpass the 1.5 degree threshold. So I don't know which warming rates your referring to.

Nonetheless I am clearly advocating for oil workers to not only get the pay they deserve from these companies but to have a future that is not dependent on an industry that is a) the least efficient of its kind (the oil sands) and b) bound to be phased out if we want the climate to not go apeshit and cause a mass migration that will completely alter society as we know it.

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Here is a link to the uah temperate graph from 1979 to present: https://www.drroyspencer.com/wp-content/uploads/UAH_LT_1979_thru_February_2023_v6.jpg. it shows a change of around .6c since 1979. Given that rate of warming we won't even get to 1.5 before 2100. It is clear the models run hot.

You try to make a point about sub par health care in Alberta. It certainly is true that we are not performing well at all, but that is true for the rest of Canada too. And no one likes inflation, but it is much better to have a massive provincial budget surplus than not having one. It allows the government to do things to mitigate the issue that poorer provinces can't.

Note to Mac, we already have a massive migration going on right now, over one million immigrants this year alone. Nothing to do with climate!

Perhaps the need for oil might be passed out one day, but not this century. The world needs oil, and I would rather it came from us than from some crazy fuck in the middle east or Russia.

It's time to bring back manufacturing and stop importing stuff from everywhere else. That includes oil and gas. You really should get your priorities straight!

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Funny that you source one graph that is based on satellite data. A form of temperature measuring that requires extensive models and adjustments since it is based on measuring microwave radiation. Adjustments that must be made individually by the researchers themselves. Maybe this single model runs cool, or maybe predictions about the lower troposphere will warm faster than the globes service was incorrect. That does not change the fact that the surface temperature of the globe is warming at a pace that will surpass 1.5 degrees. Nonetheless you seem to also be missing a fundamental aspect of climate change, we are still producing insane amounts of greenhouse gasses. Once released these GHG's do not disappear, they accumulate and make the impact of warming exponential. Since we are not on pace to significantly reduce our emissions in anyway, we will continue to make warming exponentially worse over time. Meaning the rate increases over time.

Climate is already effecting many countries lol, have you not heard about the record breaking droughts, floods, and heat waves making many countries difficult to live in? Also 1 million is nothing, wait until Florida, and half of the southern hemisphere is unlivable, then you will see real migration.

Once again the oil is already coming from them dude, we buy oil from them already and so does half the world. You know how to actually become energy independent? Through renewable energy that we can price ourselves and sell within our own borders.

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