Hey, I don't make the satellite data, I only view it and learn what is says. Even though we have put out co² increasingly since the start of the industrial revolution the warming has not increased exponentially, which is a very good thing. So, although I understand your fears, I think the impacts aren't as bad as some alarmists like to imagine. Which is also a good thing! Most climate scientists agree that the climate models all run hot when compared to what has actually happened so far in the satellite record. There are two main weather satellites uah, which I posted a graph from, and rss. They are run by different organizations and use different techniques to analyze and present their data. But by and large they are in agreement. Interestingly, they are cooler than historic and current surface obtained temperatures and this is attributed to the UHI effect. Even though the UHI is supposedly accounted for, it differs from satellite measurements enough that they are in need of a proper reassessment to align with reality.

I say all these things because I sense alot of fear and anger amongst many different groups of people. Fear that has no resolution is dangerous and useless. I say sieze the day and enjoy your life instead of developing an ulcer!

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Hmm, the provincial government just posted a MASSIVE budget surplus, but you knew that... oil revenue is also responsible for billions in transfer payments every year, but you knew that too. As far as unions are concerned, the vast majority of oil workers are not interested in unionization, they had enough of that out east. From a global warming perspective the oil company's are indeed aware of co2's impact on the atmosphere, as are all of the other oil producing companies around the world. Who wouldn't be with all of the noise the ecofanatics are making. It's one thing to agree with co2's influence on climate, it's another thing to agree on the magnitude of that effect. Satellite analysis from 1979 clearly shows that the planet is warming at a much slower rate that the alarmists would have you believe. Many are now agreeing that mitigation is the obvious answer to this small issue. Instead fanatics want the world to jump off the deap end because the sky is falling! However I do agree that we need to make sure we properly clean up the environment scars we create with our taking of resources, like we should do everywhere we exploit the planet. The rest of your rant is just NDP talking points.

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